Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is this a sign???

So, like I decided not to attend the last seminar I signed up for at the Photo District News International Photography Conference, in New York today. I was whooped. Tooo much information, copyright confusion, new camera delimas, crappy food choices, aching feet... Plus, I had just attended the best seminar of the conference. I feel honored that I was able to hear Sam Abell share about the life of a photograph. (for those of you who might not know, he is an amazing photographer who happened to be the editor of National Geographic, a few years back)

Then, upon getting my ragged self back to my hotel room, cross town, to Gramercy Park, I was greeted by a little guest. A lone dove on my AC unit, right outside my hotel room window.

What does this mean? According to the website , it means...

"When a mourning dove lands on your balcony (window seal) & looks at you for an extended amount of time, there is no need to be concerned for your physical wellbeing. You can believe that the message was of peace and love. The assurance that you are one with creation."

Whew, I needed a good sign. Thought for a moment it was God trying to send me a message that I should have attended the last seminar.